How Harvest Works

  • You first let us know what you want insured. With TheHarvestInsurance, I’ve taken the liberty of providing insurance on the three biggest aspects of agriculture: Land, product, and equipment. 
  • Once you let me know which of the three you are interested in, you send over a list of the dollar value of whatever you want ensured, in one seasonal term (six months).

Why I created TheHarvestInsurance

When I was in 7th grade I took a mission trip to Uganda. There I saw food deprivation as a big issue. It was hard for people to afford food because there was limited supply. Crops could be a solution to having unlimited supply. Natural disasters such as flash floods, earthquakes, and mudslides make the locals lose their farm land. Sugar cane companies then buy out the destroyed land from locals, and the locals, with no other source of income, sell to the companies at a sinful price. If only local farmers didn’t have to sell their land, but could in fact know that they can get the resources needed to restart. With TheHarvestInsurance any farmer can guarantee the protection of their livelihood.

Why YOU Need to Protect your Livelehood

  • There are several different common natural disasters in Uganda such as: droughts, river floods, earthquakes, landslides, volcanic eruptions, and storm surges
  • Over 5 million people in Uganda every year are affected by droughts
  • Around 45,000 people are affected each year by river floods
  • Landslides occur commonly in the eastern and western borders of Uganda, which on average damages exceed $850,000 annually
  • Southwest Uganda has several volcanic fields which put hundreds of thousands of people, and their farms, at risk
  • Uganda’s vulnerability is exacerbated due to its high level of poverty and its high dependence on ‘climate sensitive’ sectors: agriculture, water, fisheries, tourism, and forestry. The country is at high-risk to all types of natural disasters. That is why it is most crucial that you help prevent these natural disasters to ensure the safety of your livelihood. 

About Me


Allow me to introduce myself – I am Elisha Bareh, and I'm navigating my final year at Rancho Christian High School. While the sports field might be where I'm often seen, there's a lot more that shapes my days.

Home is another realm where I play a significant role. As the older sibling to two incredible younger brothers and the guiding light for my single mother, I've embraced the responsibilities that come with leadership and nurturing.

Now, let me share the spark that ignited The Harvest Insurance. Travel back with me to my seventh-grade self in Uganda – a place where I witnessed the struggles of farmers, who, after losing everything to nature's wrath, were further exploited by corporate giants in the sugar cane industry. This eye-opening experience carved a path for me to channel my passion for fairness and justice into the creation of The Harvest Insurance.

Thank you for joining me on this journey, where values and actions come together to make a meaningful impact.